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GeoDati e-Shop               

Welcome to GeoDati the exclusive online store designed for Companies and Professionals already equipped with desktop GIS (Geographic Information System) tools for geomarketing and spatial analysis.

The production of micro-territorial databases with the highest level of detail and accuracy has always been one of our areas of expertise. On them we base both our consulting services and our geo-marketing online services . Today we put this wealth of information at the disposal of Companies and Professionals who wish to keep up-to-date the data-set on which they develop their analyses and on which they base their decision-making.

Purchasing on Geodati is simple:
  • Select the type of data you are interested in: statistical data, geo-referenced point data (lat / lon) or map data (in shapefile, KMZ or PPT format);
  • Check our data detail sheets (available on screen and in PDF format) and download the free sample to check the quality of the product;
  • Calculate the price (depending on the detail and the amount of data) and add the database to your cart. If you have not already done so, the system will ask you to register. If you are already registered, just log in;
  • Although we greatly value business from abroad, please note that registration to Geodati is possible only for Companies and Professionals with an Italian VAT Registration. Foreign Companies and Professionals without an Italian VAT Registration are kindly requested to contact us.
  • When you are satisfied that you have what you need, go to checkout: you can pay by credit card or bank transfer;
  • As soon as your payment is received (which is immediately if you pay by credit card ), the our system automatically starts the production and within minutes you can download the data.

Statistical Data
All of our micro-territorial statistical databases cover the entire Italian Territory and are continuously updated.
The native detail is at Census Block level, but you can buy the aggregate data at ZIP Code or Municipality level (LAU-2) .
The minimum purchase set is the Province (NUTS-3), i.e. all the Census Blocks or ZIP Codes or Municipalities within the Province, expandible to the Region (NUTS-2), Area (a simplified NUTS-1 which combines Southern and Insular Italy) or National level.
For each data set you can download a free sample and a fact sheet which details the technical specifications.
Punctual Geo-Referenced Data (POI)
All datasets in this section contain the following fields: Store or Company name, Address, ZIP Code, Municipality (LAU-2), Province (NUTS-3), geographical coordinates (WGS84 degrees or ED50 UTM32N meters). Other additional fields may be available. Please check each datset's tech shet.
You can choose the file format the data will be provided in: shapefile or delimited text.
The minimum purchase set is the Province (NUTS-3), i.e. all the points within the Province, expandible to the Region (NUTS-2), Area (a simplified NUTS-1 which combines Southern and Insular Italy) or National level.
For each dataset you can download a free sample (shapefile or delimited text) and a fact sheet which details the technical specifications.
Vector Map Data (ShapeFile)
They are the natural complement of statistical datasets, for which they provide the territorial representation grid.
The available data are referred to the administrative borders of Municipalities (LAU-2), ZIP Codes and Census Blocks updated to the latest available administrative geometries. The territorial detail (and the territorial coding) is the same as the statistical data, making the join of map data and statistical data simple and immediate
The release format is ShapeFile (WGS84 degrees or ED50 UTM32N meters) on a Provincial (NUTS-3) basis (a file for each Province). Geometries for Municipalities (LAU-2) and Census Blocks are provided free of charge. However, registration is required to access the download.

For each dataset you can download a free sample (ShapeFile) and a fact sheet which details the technical specifications.

Please also note that:
Cartographic Data KML (Google Earth®)
This data cellection meets the needs of all those who use Google Earth® to analyze data and information with a geographic content.
We converted to KML format (Keyhole Markup Language) the administrative boundaries at high resolution of Municipalities (LAU-2), ZIP Codes, and Census Blocks updated to the latest available administrative division.

The release format is KMZ (WGS84 coordinates) on a Provincial (NUTS-3) basis (one file for each Province).

Caution: These files are designed for Google Earth ® but not for Google Maps®.

For each dataset you can download a free sample (KMZ file) and a fact sheet which details the technical specifications.
PowerPoint Maps
This data collection meets the needs of all those who use MS PowerPoint for presentation of data and information with a geographic content.

We converted to MS PowerPoint® objects the boundaries of Regions (NUTS-2), Provinces (NUTS-3), Municipalities (LAU-2) and ZIP Codes of the Italian cities divided into postal zones of our Vector Map databases . Hence each polygon is fully editable in color, size and text. As if you had drawn it yourself!

The boundaries are available for the most recent division and are available in MS PowerPoint ® (*.ppt 97-2003) in two versions:
  • Poligons only (vector)
  • Poligons (vector) laid over a geographical map (raster)
The Maps of the Regions (NUTS-2) are provided free of charge. However, registration is required to access the download.


CTB S.r.l.
Via Domodossola, 17
20145 Milano (MI) - Italy

Tel.: +39 02 892 930 00
Fax: +39 02 700 505 924

Email: info@ctb-consulting.com
PEC: ctb-consulting@pec.it
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