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PowerPoint Geographical Maps    

This collection of data meets the needs of all those who use MS PowerPoint® to present data and information with a geographic content.

We converted the boundaries of regions, provinces, municipalities and zip code of the Italian cities divided into postal zones of our vector map databases in MS PowerPoint objects® . So each polygon is fully editable in color, size and text. As if you had drawn it!

The boundaries are available for the most recent division and are available in MS PowerPoint® (*.ppt 97-2003) in two versions:
  • Only Polygons
  • Polygons with map below

The Maps of the Regions are for free. To download them you must still register.
The boundaries of municipalities, ZIP Codes and Census Blocks are also available in format Shapefile and in format KML (Google Earth®) .

Click on "Card" to see the technical details of each data base and to download a free sample.
Click on "Calculate" to calculate the estimate based on the level of detail and the territorial extent you need.

A - Mappe Amministrative (solo poligoni)
Descrizione Numero Fonte Agg. al Dettagli Prezzo
Mappa PowerPoint delle Regioni 20 CTB su ISTAT 22.01.2024 Scheda Calcola
Mappa PowerPoint delle Province 107 CTB su ISTAT 22.01.2024 Scheda Calcola
Mappa PowerPoint dei Comuni 7.896 CTB su ISTAT 22.01.2024 Scheda Calcola
Mappa Powerpoint delle Cittą multi-CAP 604 CTB su ISTAT / Poste 22.01.2024 Scheda Calcola

B - Mappe Amministrative con Carta Geografica Raster
Descrizione Numero Fonte Agg. al Dettagli Prezzo
Mappa PowerPoint delle Regioni con sfondo stradale 20 CTB su ISTAT 22.01.2024 Scheda Calcola
Mappa PowerPoint delle Province con sfondo stradale 107 CTB su ISTAT 22.01.2024 Scheda Calcola
Mappa PowerPoint dei Comuni con sfondo stradale 7.896 CTB su ISTAT 22.01.2024 Scheda Calcola
Mappa Powerpoint delle Cittą multi-CAP con sfondo stradale 604 CTB su ISTAT / Poste 22.01.2024 Scheda Calcola

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