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Territorial Analysis and Geomarketing    

Territorial Analysis has become one of the key dimensions to build a successful business, provided it's executed at the maximum available detail and using the best available data.

Geomarketing is a business decision support process based on the analysis and geographic visualization of business, market and context datails.

The vast majority of corporate data (an estimated 75+%) have a natively geographic characterization, so it is well suited for spatial analysis.

The use of digital maps for data visualization and analysis allows to make decisions which are:
  • more effective - because it is possible to identify trends and data relationships that would otherwise not emerge;
  • more efficient - because a picture is worth a thousand words and helps speed the understanding and communication of information.

Geomarketing is therefore the ideal basis for a robust network planning (be it of sales people or retail outlets).

In summary, Geomarketing is able to answer several questions companies are asking:
  • Where is my target located ?
  • Where are my best customers located ?
  • What is my customers' level of disposable income ?
  • How far do my customers have to travel to reach the closest store or service point ?
  • What is my company's / my brand's level of territorial coverage ?
  • Where and how the is competition positioned in the area?
  • What is the sales potential of each store (new or existing)?
  • Which cannibalization (or redistribution) impact can I expect from the opening (or closing) of a store ?
  • Which priorities have to be established in my territorial development plan?
  • How to plan and target marketing activities in the area?
  • ... and many others.

To help Companies find answers to these questions, CTB has developed two different Geomarketing solutions, both online and based on proprietary technologies:

  • Target Planner®   A totally web-based Geomarketing platform, it's provided for an annual subscription. Our client has full autonomy in the analysis with the methodological and training support to CTB. It’s especially suited for companies and organizations who have (or want to have) internal resources to undertake the decision support analyses.
     Learn More

  • Target Planner® Smart*Site   A pay-per-use Geomarketing online service, it's focused on "Site Evaluation", i.e. the assessment of a specific location where there is (or is planned) an operation. The evaluation is done by analysing the location's Catchment Area.
    Our client can generate comprehensive reports (tables, charts, themed maps) on any location in Italy in a few minutes through a simple interface on the web browser of choice.
     Learn More

CTB S.r.l.
Via Domodossola, 17
20145 Milano (MI) - Italy

Tel.: +39 02 892 930 00
Fax: +39 02 700 505 924

Email: info@ctb-consulting.com
PEC: ctb-consulting@pec.it
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