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SmartSite by Target Planner®    

  Know yourself: for every victory gained you will suffer a defeat.
Know yourself and know your opponent: your victory will not stand in doubt.
Know yourself, know your opponent and know the terrain (Heaven and Earth): your victory will be complete.
  Sun Tzu (VI-V century BC)
Chinese General and Strategist

SmartSite by Target Planner® is an online service which allows you to compose and download in a few minutes a comprehensive and detailed Geomarketing report on any location in Italy.
Stemming from CTB's vast experience in the field, SmartSite is a service designed for entrepreneurs, managers and professionals wishing to assess scientifically and in detail the context in which an existing or new outlet is located. Typically a retail outlet, but SmartSite can be used for any service point, be it for profit or of public / social nature.

The first in Italy
Launched in 2007, SmartSite was the first application for on-demand Geomarketing for the Italian market. Specifically designed for "business people" without a specific technical / analytical background who need detailed and accurate information to make important decisions quickly and cost-effectively.     Learn more

Attention to detail
In geomarketing analyses accuracy and detail have great importance. And such importance is paramount when geomarketing techniques are applied to assessing a location (be it new or existing). In those cases you analyze micro-markets and the difference in quality is made by accurately positioning the points of interest and accurately calculating the statistical data at the highest detail (census block). And this is just where we put the highest care and attention when producing the databases as well as producing the report itself.     Learn more

Modular content
No location is like another and each business has its own specificities. This is why each SmartSite Report must be different and reflect not only the specificities of the analyzed location but also of the people who will use the report for decision-making. SmartSite lets you choose which information you want in the report, be them tables, charts or choropleth maps.     Learn more

Time is money
This is why we put so much effort in simplifying and speeding up the report composition and production process with the massive use of technology. The application guides you step by step, minimizing the time to compose the report. Actual production time varies from a few tens of seconts (Standard Report) to a few minutes (Report with several optional analyses and maps). And you're ready to go!     Learn more

Cost effectiveness
SmartSite is an "on-demand" service. There are no fixed costs: when you need an analysis you log into the application, set up the location and the information you want in the analysis Report and that's all you pay for. Additionally - only if you wish so - you can save more by taking advantage of the discounts on prepaid credits.     Learn more

CTB S.r.l.
Via Domodossola, 17
20145 Milano (MI) - Italy

Tel.: +39 02 892 930 00
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Email: info@ctb-consulting.com
PEC: ctb-consulting@pec.it
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