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Focus on New Pharmacies with NewLine Market Research    

The Potential of Pharmacies (new and / or existing) is key information.

The potential estimate of a Pharmacy (new and / or existing) has in the socio-demo and psyco-behaviour attitudes of its trading area (population) one of the key variables, given the high number of Pharmacies (over 18.000) and Para- Pharmacies (over 3.000).

The catchment area of each pharmacy, or the socio-demo and psyco-behavior of the resident population, is a key factor to define the potential both for "ethics products business" and for all other categories.

  • Pharmacists and / or Winners of New Pharmacies Assignment Procedure:
    • Assessing the potential and performance of the existing Stores for the whole business and for each product category;
    • Support the decision of commercial integration for the Store through a process of opportunities assessment based on objective and standardized data;

  • Manufacturing Companies trading products and / or services in Pharmacies:
    • Evaluate Company's performance in Pharmacies trading Company products/services (directly and / or indirectly supplied) towards potential;
    • Guide expansion / rationalization decision of distribution coverage (direct and / or indirect supplied) through a process of assessing opportunities based on objective and standardized data;
    • Support Trade Marketing strategies/decisions, especially planning vs. potential.

New Pharmacies Assessment and Impact on existing Pharmacies

The current Pharmacies network in Italy will be further expanded by 2,479 New Locations (ref. DL n. 1 24/1/2012) which means an average increase 13.5% of the current networks Stores, up to 18% in some Regions.

CTB and NewLine Market Research have developed a support to evaluate each new Pharmacy site idententified by each Region that integrates a detailed analysis of the trading area potential for the new site along with a revenue benchmark (at total store and at category level) vs. existing pharmacies at provincial (and sub-provincial, where available) level. The support will provide, in addition to a series of indicators for analysis of the characteristics of the trading area for each new site, also a single indicator on the potential in order to be able to compare the different sites among them.

The winners of the New Pharmacies assignment will receive a dedicated and exclusive support to express their preferences according to their ranking. This support will also be customized according to the structural characteristics (size) and macro-categories of reference of the business they are planning to implement.

Pharmacists interested in the impact of new Pharmacies on their business will receive a detailed evaluation report on the potential and opportunities of their territory, in terms of socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics of the resident population.

To learn more and / or request a quote please contact us

CTB S.r.l.
Via Domodossola, 17
20145 Milano (MI) - Italy

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Email: info@ctb-consulting.com
PEC: ctb-consulting@pec.it
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