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Customer Base and Prospects Profiling/Enrichment                                     
CTB has always interpreted the profiling activity as one strategic step that allows to "go beyond" the classic socio / demographic description (which still remains a fundamental step), hence identifying also at the micro-territorial level (i.e. census block) new profiling dimensions.

With this objective CTB has developed unique and distinctive profiling dimensions which allow the integration of all the available information / data and execute a profiling / enrichment actions aimed at increasing the level of knowledge, hence of effectiveness and efficiency of marketing actions.
These profiling dimensions will be integrated with and will refine the socio-demographic and economic variables (income and consumption), which remain one of the key steps in order to begin a value-added profiling process.

Profiling dimensions that CTB offers are unique as they allow clients to:

  • Describe the LifeStage i.e. the stages of the evolutionary path of individuals within (or not) a family and its composition. This is a crucial dimension as it influences (and in some stage this is the key driver) individuals' choices, behaviors, attitudes and propensities;

  • attribute behaviors, propensities, choices, etc. in a direct way by taking them directly from quantitative researches that describe them on a unique, detailed and continuous basis (and not by deducing them from socio-demo segmentations). This process allows to always maximize the added value of each profiling and enrichment project.

CTB collaborates with prestigious research institutes in order to create the tools to carry out this profiling, drawing from the most important quantitative researches.

CTB S.r.l.
Via Domodossola, 17
20145 Milano (MI) - Italy

Tel.: +39 02 892 930 00
Fax: +39 02 700 505 924

Email: info@ctb-consulting.com
PEC: ctb-consulting@pec.it
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